Tuesday, November 1, 2011

37 and counting!

So today is my 37th birthday.  Amazing.... truly.  I think I'm in shock!  37 used to sound so old... or at least, it was the age where people were ADULTS.  They were married, had 2.5 kids and a house with a dog and a white picket fence.  Well, I'm married and I have 2 dogs and a cat in a rented duplex, and I'm in school figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.

Today, I can only reflect on where I am and how I got here.  I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing because then I wouldn't be where I am now.  I know that sounds odd but it's the life choices we make, both good and bad, that land us where we are currently.  While I kind of wish I had known at 18 to follow my instincts and actually fight to take a year off from school as I wanted to do, if I had, would I have met my husband?  I could play the "what if" game but it's not worth looking back.  I may not be perfect.  I may not have an amazing career (yet), I may not be financially solvent (yet), but what I am is 100% me.  I think the one piece of advice I would give my younger self would be to close your ears and open your heart to what YOU really want.

I am blessed on this 37th birthday.  I have a family that I cherish.  I have animals that are my children.  I have friends that fill my soul with love and laughter.  I have a husband that I I love more than that word can or will ever convey.  I AM finally figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.  And I still believe in hope and miracles. 

Happy Birthday to me!  And may there be many more!  And may I learn from each year past, a bit of wisdom to carry forward into my future!

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